About Us

Footwear Manufacturer's Association of Nepal (FMAN) is the common institution of the footwear manufacturers of Nepal. Established in 2000 A.D. the institution organizes footwear expo every year during the month of December to January. Besides industrial expo, FMAN provides various apprenticeships training program to Nepalese youth to develop their skill and make self- reliant in association with HELVATAS, Nepal.

In Nepal, there are around 75 large scale footwear products manufacturing organizations and more than 800 un-organized small scale industries. There are around 15 tanning industries, most of them producing Buff C.G. and Zug-grain finished leather in small quantity, which is not sufficient for domestic leather demand. The tanneries are exporting semi-finished Wet blue that's why only small quantities of finished leather is being supplied to shoe industries. The footwear industries are providing employment opportunity to more than 50,000 people directly and near about 250,000 people indirectly. Total transaction from all the footwear related products in a fiscal year is about 300 million. We have started exporting footwear products to other countries from past few years, majorly to India that amounts to 10 million USD per year.